*Price is for bloom only. Best used as a 3-part system. Must purchase separately.
Emerald Harvest Bloom ensures you get the best harvest from your grow room. Developed specifically for your high-value crops, Bloom provides your plants with the perfect amount of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium, throughout your entire crop cycle. Each ingredient works together to give you your best yield yet: Monopotassium Phosphate's- An essential ingredient for root development, it gives your plants produce higher female flower counts, a greater marketable fruit number, and an overall greater quality of harvest. Potassium Sulfate's- Primarily functioning to increase the quality of your yield, it also increases the concentrations of total sugar and other essential components, as well as the overall leaf area index.
Magnesium Sulfate's- One of the upmost important ingredients when it comes to photosynthesis, without magnesium sulfate, your plants won't be able to capture light energy. Increased magnesium sulfate ensures a bigger, better quality yield. Bloom is an the essential addition to your base nutrient system. It's effective, easy to use, and part of Emerald Harvest's three-part base nutrient system.
Make sure to check out the other two parts, Micro and Grow.